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Life Extension, Супер омега-3 плюс, 120 мягких желатиновых капсул

Артикул: LEX-19881
ID: 379773259
2 578,3 руб.
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UPC Код: 737870198819


  • EPA/DHA Fish Oil, Sesame Lignans, Olive Extract,  Krill & Astaxanthin
  • Triglyceride, Ethyl-Ester & Phospholipid Omega-3 Forms
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Non GMO LE Certified
As our Best in Class omega-3 fish oil supplement, Super Omega-3 Plus EPA/DHA Fish Oil, Sesame Lignans, Olive Extract, Krill & Astaxanthin delivers the omega-3 levels you need to support heart and brain health. Inspired by the Mediterranean diet, this formula also provides powerful antioxidant benefits. And with an added natural lemon flavor, no more fishy aftertaste!

Omega-3 fatty acids from different sources have synergistic benefits, enhancing their impact on brain and heart health.

Super Omega-3 Plus EPA/DHA Fish Oil, Sesame Lignans, Olive Extract, Krill & Astaxanthin Benefits
  • Packed with DHA & EPA omega-3s to support heart & brain health
  • Contains additional omega-3s from Antarctic krill
  • Includes heart-healthy Mediterranean olive and sesame extracts
  • Augmented with the super-antioxidant astaxanthin
What is olive extract?

This olive extract is packed with heart-healthy polyphenols, providing the polyphenol equivalent of just over 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

What are the health benefits of astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin promotes ocular health, supports heart and mitochondrial health, promotes a healthy inflammatory response and more.

We Exceed Purity Standards

We created this omega-3 formula with a novel technology that purifies the fish oil with a highly advanced distillation process that reduces environmental pollutants. The result is a fish oil so pure, it actually exceeds standards set by international rating agencies.

Omega-3 benefits encourage longevity

Omega-3 fatty acids support healthy heart and blood vessel function, promoting blood flow, helping to maintain blood pressure already in the normal range, and inhibiting inflammatory factors to support cardiovascular and whole-body health. What is more, these essential fats also help maintain already-healthy LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Omega-3s even promote healthy cognitive function and mood, and they have also been found to encourage longevity.

The Mediterranean diet, which focuses on foods like olive oil and fish, is associated with heart health and an increased life span. This inspired us to combine a pure, highly concentrated fish oil with a polyphenol-rich olive extract.

Fish and krill oil omegas together offer enhanced support

Omega-3s from both fish oil and krill are rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream, where they are distributed to your cells and tissues to promote cardiovascular and whole-body health. In clinical studies, krill oil has been shown to promote joint comfort, promote brain and cognitive health, and inhibit inflammation to support joint and cardiovascular health.

Pure fish oil and concentrated krill oil

We make Super Omega-3 formula with a pure, potent fish oil caught in a certified-sustainable fishery and processed within hours to provide exceptional freshness. Then we add concentrated oil from Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) to create our Best in Class fish oil supplement.

Polyphen-Oil™ olive extract

All our Super Omega-3 formulas contain Polyphen-Oil™ olive extract, which is concentrated and standardized to provide olive’s unique, health-promoting polyphenols. These polyphenols promote a healthy inflammatory response, encourage metabolism, and combat oxidative stress.

Astaxanthin for powerful antioxidant benefits

Astaxanthin—a red-orange carotenoid pigment naturally found in microalgae and krill oil—is a powerful antioxidant that promotes optimal mitochondrial function. Astaxanthin also supports brain, cognitive and even skin health.

Sesame lignans and natural lemon flavor

We've added sesame lignans to our Super Omega-3 formulas to enhance the health benefits of fish oil. We’ve even added a natural lemon flavor to our formulation, in order to avoid the fishy aftertaste some people experience when taking omega-3 supplements.

Рекомендации по применению

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Принимайте две (2) желатиновые капсулы два раза в день с едой или как рекомендовано медицинским работником.


Высокоочищенный концентрат рыбьего жира (анчоусы), желатин, глицерин, пчелиный воск, очищенная вода, диоксид кремния, натуральный ароматизатор, оливковое масло холодного отжима, краситель «карамель», смесь токоферолов, мальтодекстрин, экстракт розмарина.

Содержит ракообразных (криль).


Внимание. Если вы моложе 18 лет, беременны или у вас имеются проблемы со здоровьем, проконсультируйтесь с вашим лечащим врачом. Если вы принимаете какие-либо лекарства, принимайте их за час до или через два часа после приема PGX®. Как и при применении любых других пищевых добавок, проконсультируйтесь с врачом перед использованием этого продукта, если вы беременны, кормите грудью или пытаетесь забеременеть или готовитесь к операции. Хранить вне досягаемости детей.

Запечатано для вашей безопасности. Не использовать, если защитная мембрана повреждена. Для сохранения свежести хранить в прохладном, сухом месте.
Сведения о добавке
Размер порции: 2 мягкие желатиновые капсулы
Количество порций в упаковке: 60
Состав порции:% от суточной нормы
Всего жиров2,5 г4%†
Холестерин< 5 мг2%†
Концентраты жира рыбы, выловленной в природной среде, Pure+™ и
масло антарктического криля (Euphausia superba)
ЭПК (эйкозапентаеновая кислота)
ДГК (докозагексаеновая кислота)
2350 мг

750 мг
510 мг
60 мг

Экстракт оливок (плоды и листья) Polyphen-Oil™
[содержит 45 мг полифенолов, 11,25 мг
вербаскозида/олеуропеина, 9 мг гидрокситирозола/тирозола]
200 мг**
Экстракт лигнана из семян кунжута5 мг**
Натуральный астаксантин (из CO²-экстракта водорослей Haematococcus pluvialis)2 мг**
** Суточная норма не установлена.
†Проценты от суточной нормы основаны на рационе в 2000 калорий.
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